Monday, December 21, 2015

Football Jigs - How To Fish | Video | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

Football Jigs - How To Fish | Video | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "Here's how to fish football jigs. You'll catch big ones on this technique when you use these fishing tips and tricks."

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Sunday, December 20, 2015

13 Must-Have Products for Your Boat | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC


13 Must-Have Products for Your Boat | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "Fishing is a great pastime and stocking your boat with the below items make the difference between a great day on the water or an abrupt end to a trip. In more serious cases situations could even become life threatening without the right boat accessories. Here is a list of the essential must-have items to stock in your boat before heading out on any fishing trip."

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What's On The Menu? | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC


What's On The Menu? | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "There are several reasons that a bass strikes a lure. These include instinct reaction, agitation, defense of territory, or because they are hungry or think that they are hungry. I have often been asked by beginner anglers which of these are the most important."

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Color Perception | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

Selecting Colors

Color Perception | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "Crankbaits are effective tools used to produce bass year round, but how do you choose the right lure color in a world full of millions of lures? When you walk into the tackle department of your favorite store you are confronted by a huge selection of baits and displays set up to tantalize you with hundreds of variations of colors and patterns. To simplify the elimination process, base lure color selection there is a formula to make it easier."

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Get this book free 12/21 and 12/22 Bass Fishing Tips Spinnerbaits: How to catch bass with spinnerbaits eBook: Steve Pease: Kindle Store:

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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Fishing Skill: Fishing In The Weeds | Kayak Angler Magazine | Rapid Media

To kayak fishing pro Richie Moschella, weeds are the best spot to fish.

Fishing Skill: Fishing In The Weeds | Kayak Angler Magazine | Rapid Media: "I can still remember the feeling of paddling into a cove on a local lake I fish in New Jersey. The cove in the height of summer is impenetrable with thick weeds making it nearly impossible for anyone to fish it. The occasional bass boat can be seen working the outside edge and firing casts off into the perimeter of this weedy bass haven."

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Monday, December 14, 2015

VIDEO: How To Catch Bass In Cold Water (Part 2) | Kayak Angler Magazine | Rapid Media

VIDEO: How To Catch Bass In Cold Water (Part 2) | Kayak Angler Magazine | Rapid Media: "Many cold water anglers,including my kayak fishing students, often struggle with bite detection in cold water. By cold, I mean water in the low 40's and 30's. I produced this video to highlight concrete tips for detecting that light cold water bite.I've already received a lot of positive feedback on the videos from anglers who've been struggling with bite detection."

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VIDEO: How To Catch Bass In Cold Water (Part 1) | Kayak Angler Magazine | Rapid Media

VIDEO: How To Catch Bass In Cold Water (Part 1) | Kayak Angler Magazine | Rapid Media: "Every November I teach a cold water kayak fishing class focused on catching river smallmouth bass. I made this video for my students to highlight a core technique called "dragging". If you want to excel when water temperatures eventually dip into the low 40's and 30's you've got to perfect this excruciating slow dragging technique. I have my students watch the video before class. "

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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Baits That Trigger Reaction Bites | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

bass fishing

Baits That Trigger Reaction Bites | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "The next time you’re headed to the lake, think about how you plan to catch those fish. I say that because most anglers think about choosing irresistible lures that will entice bass into striking. However, I think anglers should focus more attention on a fish’s natural reaction, especially on those tough days when weather fronts have taken the edge off their aggressiveness or when the fish are getting a lot of angling pressure."

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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A Place For Your Stuff... | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

tackle organization

A Place For Your Stuff... | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "Truth be known; many partners and friends that I have fished with have sometimes accused me of being a little "fussy" over the way I organize my gear. Some have gone as far as to compare me to an espresso laden Martha Stewart with an obsessive compulsive disorder"

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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

How to Catch Cold Water Smallmouth - Kayak Fishing Blog


How to Catch Cold Water Smallmouth - Kayak Fishing Blog: "Winter is setting in, and your local river has become frigid. Are you planning to hang up the paddle until spring? Do you still chase river smallmouth when the water temperatures drop below 50 degrees? A few of us die hard anglers can’t wait until spring for another chance to feel the tug of that big bronze. We want to continue chasing trophies in the winter and that is certainly possible with a little bit of preparation, technique, and presentation."

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Monday, December 7, 2015

Three New Ways To Use Old Soft Plastic Rigs | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

Texas, Carolina, Wacky rigs

Three New Ways To Use Old Soft Plastic Rigs | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "If you call yourself a bass fisherman, you likely know the three basic soft-plastic rigs, the two named after states and the one that’s wacky. What you may be unaware of, however, is that you’re not using them to their full potential. Here are three ways to use those rigs to catch fish and impress your friends."

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Get my book free 12/8 and 12/9 Bass Fishing Tips Boxed Set: All 5 of my books on how to catch bass eBook: Steve Pease: Kindle Store:

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Saturday, December 5, 2015

How to Fish a Wacky Rig for Bass | Bass Fishing - YouTube

How to Fish a Wacky Rig for Bass | Bass Fishing - YouTube: ""

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Texas Rig Tips and Tricks - How To | Bass Fishing - YouTube

Texas Rig Tips and Tricks - How To | Bass Fishing - YouTube: ""

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The Mojo Rig (Split Shot Rig) | How To | Bass Fishing - YouTube

The Mojo Rig (Split Shot Rig) | How To | Bass Fishing - YouTube: ""

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When Nature Calls | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

Catching Bass

When Nature Calls | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "Too often in bass fishing we miss the forest in search of a tree. We focus on catching a bass, a singular entity. This bass is really a member of a complex ecosystem that includes landscape, predator, and prey. We hone in on what the bass is telling us and ignore all the other signals that a creature born in that landscape notices"

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Make Your Baitcaster Fly! | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

Make Your Baitcaster Fly! | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "The following is a series of observations based on my experiences with reel maintenance, tuning and upgrading. I do not do this professionally. I work on my own reels because I enjoy it. I started to do so a long time ago. I had to. When I got my first “real” reel, the deal was, I had to maintain it myself. If I wanted any more good equipment I had to demonstrate that I was capable of taking care of what I had."

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Bass Fishing In Winter | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

Winter fishing

Bass Fishing In Winter | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "Fishing for bass during the late fall and winter months can be a daunting task. During the regular season, you have identifiable structure to fish, vegetation is in bloom and the sun offers you shaded areas, which will produce fish during the heat of the day. Winter however does not give you any of those visible signs."

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