Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Truth About Light Tackle | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

The Truth About Light Tackle | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "For arguments sake, my definition of light tackle is as follows: light tackle is a complete light line delivery system that makes utilizing light baits easier by matching rod, reel and line size accordingly.
   I'm sure many people view light tackle as fishing with soft wimpy rods and tiny baits on 2-pound test. The truth is that it could be like that, but it doesn't have to be. The equipment I use when going light is by no means wimpy tackle. I prefer to use equipment that can stand up to the rush of a 5-pound largemouth bass surging to get free. For this you need rods with solid backbones, fast actions and reels that can hold decent quantities of line. "

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How To Develop A Pattern | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

How To Develop A Pattern | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "How many times have you heard or read a newspaper on a bass tournament winner using such-and-such pattern for winning the tournament? What are they talking about? What is a pattern? A pattern is the method, how, what, sometimes when, and where in a given lake you are catching bass consistently. There can be a pattern within a pattern, and there can also be more than one pattern used during the day. "

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Crappie Fishing Tips - Catch Loads of Spring Panfish with this Guide

Crappie Fishing Tips - Catch Loads of Spring Panfish with this Guide: "To catch loads of crappie in the spring, here are a few tips that will help you catch your limit of these slab panfish. We will go over where the best areas to find these fish are, what to use for bait and how to rig those baits and lures."

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Free Bass Lures - Spinnerbait Tips That Work | Get The Most From Your Spinnerbait

Free Bass Lures - Spinnerbait Tips That Work | Get The Most From Your Spinnerbait: "Below is a collection of spinnerbait tips that I feel actually work. In this article, I am not going to get into the various sizes colors and configurations."

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Field & Stream's Guide to the Best Crankbaits for Spring Bass | Field & Stream

Field & Stream's Guide to the Best Crankbaits for Spring Bass | Field & Stream: "SEASON AND LOCATION KEY


Water Temperature: 40°—55°

Time of Year: February—March in the South; March—April in the North


Water Temperature: 55°—70°

Time of Year: March—April in the South; April—May in the North"

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Catch More Largemouth Bass in Weeds in Early Spring | Field & Stream

Catch More Largemouth Bass in Weeds in Early Spring | Field & Stream: "Vegetation is one of the best places to start searching for largemouths in the spring. That doesn't mean the fishing is easy, though: Many grassbeds are vast and can extend from the shallows out to surprising depths. Fishermen who focus on one body of water will, over time, figure out where in the weeds the bass will be, but tournament anglers don't have that luxury--they have to find bass now."

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Overcoming Spring's Greatest Bass Fishing Challenges

Overcoming Spring's Greatest Bass Fishing Challenges: "Spring bassin' can be incredibly fantastic or unbelievably frustrating -- it depends on the day you happen to be fishing. To the avid bass angler, there is no season that offers more promise, yet more challenges. In this BASS PRO exclusive, two of the hottest anglers on the pro circuit, Florida pro Shaw Grigsby and Alabama pro Gerald Swindle, reveal how they deal with all the negatives that the spring season is notorious for dishing many cases turning them into positives that put big bass in their livewells and big bucks in their pockets."

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Topwater Tactics for Spring Bass

Topwater Tactics for Spring Bass: "As an avid bass fisherman, I enjoy the pristine nature of this sport -- the beautiful sunrises, the serenity of the wind and waves, the rhythms of casting and retrieving, the poetry in the pursuit.

However, there is also a darker side to bass fishing, one which mirrors the realities beneath the surface. There is no serenity in violence and quick, slashing death. There is nothing poetic about a primitive predator stalking its prey. There is no peace -- and also no remorse -- for a panic-stricken baitfish about to be gulped into oblivion."

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Early Spring Bass Fishing

Early Spring Bass Fishing: "Early spring. It's the time of year that every Bass fisherman who is worth his salt looks forward to. The thought of Bass that haven't seen a lure for at least 3 months is enough to stir any of us into a frenzy. Early spring has it's advantages but it can have it's own unique problems as well. Rising water temperatures can send Bass into flurries of activity that are a Bass fisherman's dream come true. But, just as quickly, a stubborn early spring cold front can be a nightmare that puts the fish back into hibernation. The key to successful fishing during this time of year lies in using the proper lures, presenting them properly and using the weather conditions to your advantage. Paying attention to the smallest details can sometimes mean the difference between a respectable day's catch and going home skunked."

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A Lure for Pike even Dummies can Catch Pike With! - Fishing Tips For Beginners | Fishing Tips For Beginners

A Lure for Pike even Dummies can Catch Pike With! - Fishing Tips For Beginners | Fishing Tips For Beginners: "What would it be worth if I told you about a sure fire guaranteed Pike Catching Lure? I was a fishing idiot at one time, worms were my only bait. Then a friend turned me on to this little gem, then I was an instant Pike Master! Eppinger Lure Co. located in  Michigan has been around over 100 years. The lure of choice for me is the “Red Eye Wiggler” 3″ or the 4 1/2″ as shown in the picture below. I can’t begin to tell you how many Pike I have nailed with this lure, and even an occasional Bass!"

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