Sunday, June 15, 2014

Lake Fishing Reports MN Fish Winnie Cass Leech Winnibigoshish Pokegama

Lake Fishing Reports MN Fish Winnie Cass Leech Winnibigoshish Pokegama: "I remember seeing high water before in the Itasca Area; at times, even isolated areas of flood stage water. But I'm not sure that I can recall any time when water levels around the region have been so uniformly high. Everywhere you look, there's more water than we know what to do with.
The small river that connects to a lake that I had visited just 3 days ago usually goes UN noticed. But on Saturday the water was far outside of its banks, flooding a half mile of what is usually dry territory."

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How To Fish A Jig | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

How To Fish A Jig | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC:

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Why Two Anglers are Better than One in Fishing - YouTube

Why Two Anglers are Better than One in Fishing - YouTube: ""

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