Tuesday, May 20, 2014

History of Bass Fishing – Plastic Worms - Sports - News-Sun

History of Bass Fishing – Plastic Worms - Sports - News-Sun: "y DON NORTON Special to the News-Sun Don Norton is a professional tournament bass fisherman, bass fishing guide, and custom rod builder. He lives in the Golf Hammock area of Sebring with his wife Lexie, and is the owner of a custom rod building company appropriately named “The American Fisherman”. He is also the owner of REDS II, a full-service fishing tackle store located at 3603 Sebring Parkway, in Sebring, FL. You can reach him at 863-273-4998 or by email at donorton13@gmail.com. Visit his REDS FISHING facebook page or his website at theamericanfisherman.com. or stop by the store to see him anytime. | Posted 5 days ago"

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Fishing Friday: 10 Top Bass Fishing Tips

Fishing Friday: 10 Top Bass Fishing Tips: "You’ve got to love a fish like the largemouth bass, which, while it may not have the exotic draw of a flabby whalefish (yes, it does exist) nor the lip-smacking good taste of a striper, is a fierce competitor on the end of the line. They tug like brutes, jump like crazy, and have a head-shake that can bend out a wire hook. So it’s no wonder so many of us target them."

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JIG WEEK!! | Pro Bass Fishing Class

JIG WEEK!! | Pro Bass Fishing Class: "If you fish bodies of water with a hard bottom, football jigs are a great tool that will help you catch giant bass throughout the year. Ike's in-depth class on fishing football head jigs will cover where to fish them, football jig history, different techniques, recommended gear, jig selection, a cool story of how Ike caught a 12lb 13oz bass on a 3/4oz football jig, and more!"

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Fishing The Post Spawn | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

Fishing The Post Spawn | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "The post spawn period offers some interesting challenges for the bass fisherman. Some folks offer the concept that this period actually is somewhat akin to the dog days of summer in that the bass tend to get very finicky in their feeding habits. Actually things are usually relative to something and in this case it is the more reliable patterning that bass adopt in the summer."

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Swimbaits – How and When to Use Them | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

Swimbaits – How and When to Use Them | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "Is there anything worse than being in a tournament throwing a swimbait and having countless bass come up and nudge the bottom of it?  What about a bass who warily follows your swimbait back to the boat only to pounce on it just as your bait is coming out of the water?"

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Managing Bass Fisheries with Size Limits | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

Managing Bass Fisheries with Size Limits | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "First, some history. I am not a foreigner. I grew up in the bass capital of the world; Odessa, Texas. Those of you that have fished these waters... well, you know what I mean. The closest sizable lake is about 90 miles away, and on most weekends there is a large pilgrimage of west Texans leaving to chase bass all around the state. Because my father took the time to get us out of town and on the water, I fished frequently in west Texas and had good fishing on Oak Creek, Twin Buttes, and Lake Nasworthy. The fish weren't really big, but I lived for fishing and enjoyed chasing bass on these waters."

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5 Shallow Bass Fishing Crankbait Colors You Need to Own « Wired2Fish

5 Shallow Bass Fishing Crankbait Colors You Need to Own « Wired2Fish: "Crankbaits for bass fishing are excellent tools throughout much of the year. It’s no mistake these billed beauties are responsible for hundreds of tour-level wins—they often catch bass when other techniques fail. Choosing the most effective shallow water colors, however, can be a bit intimidating at times."

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Largemouths Love Swim Jigs | Bass Fishing Notes

Largemouths Love Swim Jigs | Bass Fishing Notes: "Ask most bass anglers and they’ll tell you jigs fill an important niche in their tackle arsenal. Some bass guys swear it’s the only bait for catching quality bass day in and day out…"

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Wishful Thinking? | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

Wishful Thinking? | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "This column is about nostalgia as much as fisheries management. Let me set the stage.
   I took a vacation day in July last year. I met my adult son about an hour north of home, and we traveled to the nicest natural lake in South Dakota. Enemy Swim Lake, a 2,150 acre glacial lake that's deep, clear, rocky, has islands, plus a back bay with plenty of aquatic plants. "

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