Thursday, December 26, 2013

Walleye Ice Fishing Tips

Walleye Ice Fishing Tips: "Ice Fishing Lake Superior for walleyes can seem difficult depending on how much time you have to commit and how well you know the big lake. There are many different factors that can change your success but knowing where to look and what the proper presentations are to attract fish will make the most difference in your day."

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Fishing Tips That Will Hook You Bigger Fish! |

Fishing Tips That Will Hook You Bigger Fish! | "Sitting there in a boat and looking at the beauty that surrounds you while fishing is relaxing and amazing. You need to learn some fishing basics for your safety, as well as to improve your success level. Read this article to learn how to fish."

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How to fish spinnerbaits

How to fish spinnerbaits: "There is a lot of debate as to what is the best overall artificial bait. Much of the debate depends on the type of fish you're fishing, some is based on where you’re catching, some is based on weather conditions, and some is based on the cover you’re fishing."

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