Monday, January 2, 2017

Spruce Up Your Pond | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

Christmas tree structure

Spruce Up Your Pond | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "Christmas trees. Untold numbers are discarded after the holiday season each year. However, don't throw them away. They can be used to create fish habitat."

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Choosing Tournaments | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

Tournament fishing

Choosing Tournaments | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "I've been fishing tournaments since the early 80's. I think I've gained more knowledge and information about being on both sides of the weigh-in scales, running the Northeast Honey Hole Family Fishing Tournaments during the 2000 season"

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Habitat & Simple Structure, After the Fact | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

This shoreline habitat serves several purposes.    The fallen timber hosts several si-es of bass, the reeds in two feet of water hold tiny fish such as bluegill and bass babies. Good habitat for fish...and fishermen.

Habitat & Simple Structure, After the Fact | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "The best we can tell, there are somewhere between 5-6,000,000 private ponds and lakes in the United States. Just to see them all, it would take 68 years...if we looked at 200 a "

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