Sunday, February 1, 2015

Choose the Right Rod for the Job | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

Choose the Right Rod for the Job | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "Think like a golfer when choosing rods for bass fishing.
    A good golfer carries several clubs and picks each one for a specific situation, whether it’s driving for distance or finessing a chip shot.  Today’s angler should use the same approach.
    To accommodate most fishing situations, an angler needs at least five rods.  Here are the rods I believe you need to cover the basics:"

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10 Spinnerbait Tips | Hank Parker | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC

10 Spinnerbait Tips | Hank Parker | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC: "It’s no secret I love to fish a spinnerbait.  I’m convinced it’s second only to the worm in terms of versatility and productivity.
   Not everyone agrees.  People tell me they never catch fish on a spinnerbait, even though they’ve tried slow rolling it along drop-offs and crashing it through brush tops.  For those with a similar story, perhaps you’re using the wrong spinnerbait design or not fishing it where bass are.  Here are 10 tips "

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