Monday, October 28, 2013

Sturgeon Hunting — — Readability

Sturgeon Hunting — — Readability: "Author K.J. Houtman joined Ryan Koenigs (left) and Ron Bruch (right), both of the Wisconsin DNR, and Tribe biologist Don Rieter (far right), for some sturgeon tagging. The goal of this joint effort is to improve sturgeon spawning in the ancient spawning area below the Keshena Falls and improve resident upriver sturgeon populations. Important to the people and culture of the Menominee Tribe, the sturgeon enjoys a statewide cultural fascination."

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Video: Sea Lion Swipes Angler’s Dorado — — Readability

Video: Sea Lion Swipes Angler’s Dorado — — Readability: "Anglers who fish near sea lions know better than to let their guard down around the aquatic mammals. We’re willing to bet this man wished he kept a better grip on his hard-won Dorado, but he hardly saw the thief coming."

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Why You Should Crank Fast for Big Bass — — Readability

Why You Should Crank Fast for Big Bass — — Readability:

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