Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The DIY Double Decker Frugal Fly Box Build! |

The DIY Double Decker Frugal Fly Box Build! | "This project came about not so much because of the money but because of the inability to find a pre made fly box of the size, quality and configuration that I was looking for. Basically, I was looking to reduce the number of my many little fly boxes down to one single package BUT (big but) I wanted that package to be as compact and efficient as possible. So with that in mind I began my search but, to my disappointment,"

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Common mistakes made when fishing for trout - by Marlin Bressi - Helium

Common mistakes made when fishing for trout - by Marlin Bressi - Helium: "Trout are a very wily and cautious species, easily spooked and often fickle. This, of course, is one reason why they are a favorite game fish of millions of anglers all over the world. Other species may grow larger or fight harder, but the ability to catch trout is a true test of a fisherman's skill, patience, and technique. "

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